“Coffee – Hearts – Love and Play”

by heidistraubephotographer

This weekend I went to the wonderful Elevation Coffee in Taos, New Mexico, and was delighted to see the beautiful heart “latte art”
that Greg designed on my cup.


What a way to start the day – with Beauty and Love –

And then – surprise –
When I finished, here is the design that was left:


Do you see the heart near the top middle?
Hmm, I believe the Love continues….

So many associations with these small cups of coffee – Beautiful times…Remember this one?
Fond memories of Love were on my mind…
(See previous photo poem “Unexpected” for the full story...)


Then there was this lovely gift from the barista at Paulie’s Restaurant, Houston this summer…The extra shot of espresso he gave me gratis
Surely Means True Love…


Love, play, i-phone snaps, and “serious art” – it’s all one.

May you enjoy your coffee moments this week –
create warm memories in your heart –
and be inspired to play in art and in life.