The Inner Path of Photography

We yearn for the taste of the sacred…and through our cameras discover it, the world, and ourselves.

Category: Life Lessons from Photography

This is a Wonderful Day…

This is a wonderful day.
I’ve never seen this one before.
– Maya Angelou

How do we keep the freshness of our spirits and love of life when it sometimes seems we’re caught in the sameness of every day?

How do we stay in wonder?

For me, my photography practice and every day walks are my window into the mystery and beauty of life these days – no matter what is happening in my outer or inner world.

Some days I bounce out the door, looking forward to the beauty I know I’ll see. Other days I go only because I know that I’ll feel better by the time I return to the house – but still grouchily thinking that I’m tired of seeing the same old thing.

Each time, however, I’m entranced by something new. I have to laugh at myself thinking the walk would be boring. Or there’s nothing new to shoot, I’ve taken that picture before. Or, in the darkest of days: Who cares.

I care. I care about the essence of life, love, and beauty.

I care about the wind on my face, the sun that warms me, and even – sometimes when I’ve felt so trapped and alone “staying safe,” – I care about the gray rainy day that I insist on walking out in, even if for a brief fifteen minutes.

Today I walked in the glorious sunshine, the same daily walk I take along my road bordering the Hudson River. Not expecting something new, just happy to be out and breathing clear, fresh air.

I brought my camera, as usual, ready for inspiration, but not requiring myself to shoot. Listening to an interview with Brother David Steindl-Rast, a favorite monk, sharing his wise and warm perspectives on gratitude, spirituality, and the essence of life, I felt my body gradually getting into the rhythm of walking, breathing, relaxing, being.

I took pleasure in the sound of his voice and uplifting thoughts as I looked and felt my surroundings, appreciating the budding forsythia, the tiny flowering fruit trees my neighbors have planted, a handsome house that is newly built.

I started to notice – absorb – resonate with my joy of being here and now; grateful for the beautiful things that continue to happen in my life.
(I call them “small miracles everywhere.”)

I walked and waved to the few cars that passed; the drivers waved back. I waved to a couple having a video chat on their porch; smiling, they waved back.

I waved to a cat sitting on the steps of a house I’d love to live in – and no, the cat did not smile or wave back. Instead, he ran next door to his own home; startled and probably wondering who this crazy woman was, walking, walking, waving to all.

But I’m fine, Mr. Cat. I practice living in the moment, allowing pleasure.
I recognize Grace.

I photographed new things I hadn’t noticed before. I made some images I’ve shot previously but this time from a different perspective, in a different light, with a new eye. I captured new stories to tell, experiences to share.

I forgot about anything I’d been worried about, and settled into the “now,” the wonder of being.

The sun was setting and all became quiet. A red fox suddenly appeared from the marsh and dashed across the road in front of me. He ran through a yard, and into the woods in a flash.

A small white dog perked up and made a beeline towards the trees. He stopped. He sat. He waited.

After a time, the dog lost interest and trotted back to his house. The night bird sounds began.

The fox came out of the woods, crossed back over the road and vanished into the reeds.

This is a wonderful day.
I’ve never seen this one before.


Image: “Tree Spirits on the Hudson (Apples)
©Heidi Straube 2020

Download the pdf of “This is a Wonderful Day”

Thank you, Maya Angelou.

Master Egret

Master Egret maintains his inner peace
as the storm approaches.

Image from the new “St Petersburg Summer” Collection
© Heidi Straube 2019 (additions ongoing)

New for you (smile):

Follow the ongoing “Master Egret stories” as M. Egret guides us in life lessons of beauty, peace and awe.

“Advice from Magnum Photographers”

“Get a good pair of walking shoes and…
 fall in love.”



Inspiration for you…
whether a photographer, artist, or lover of life and beauty.

Download and enjoy!

Advice from Magnum Photographers PDF

Profile of Abbas, Photographer, with Images, Books

Dock to the Unknown

Five years later – my photo poem still true for me and actively relevant this day. May you also choose the magic.

The Inner Path of Photography

“These unexpected gifts of magic still continue
their source as mystifying as ever
whether the “face” before me
Is human, cloud, ice, fire…”

–  Minor White


An approaching storm

Beauty….or Fear?
a choice

Walking forward, not able to see what is at the end of this dock
this day
this life

We can choose to see the light…or darkness.

I choose the magic.


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