The Inner Path of Photography


“Each artist going in his own direction at some time walks on water.”

– Minor White, Photographer

What is the inner experience of photography? Deep, spiritual, rarely discussed…it is what seduces us and sends us out to shoot again and again. We yearn for the taste of the sacred…and through our cameras, we discover it, the world, and ourselves.

“The Inner Path of Photography” is for those who want to explore more deeply the inner process of photography – the wordless, mysterious experience of shooting, the magic of letting things unfold in the creative process, and the unique uplifting ways of expressing personal vision – through photography and life.

Drawing on the tradition of Minor White, using meditative techniques and philosophies from psychology, Zen, and other contemplative practices, exploring other artist insights on the creative process, and reflecting on our own images and reasons for being drawn to photography – we’ll connect with inner spirit, honor our awareness, feel, shoot, and create – photographs that reflect what we truly want to “say,” and lives of deeper connection.

Resonance, stillness, inner knowing, openness to the unknown; working with personal blocks, staying in the flow, choosing final images – all will lead to enjoying the seduction, and new ways to express ourselves in this great love affair of photography and life.

Retreat agenda example, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Video – Heidi Straube welcomes you to “The Inner Path of Photography

This retreat always includes the highlights and magic of the environment where it is taught. Learning in an art space, for example, will incorporate exercises that draw from the current exhibit. Teaching in a resort setting or space whose location celebrates the land and sea, will incorporate working with those elements.